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Call for Abstracts

The Organizing committee welcome the submission of abstracts for Workshop and Oral presentations.

Abstract Submission - Terms and Conditions

Abstracts can only be submitted electronically through the ICMART 2022 website.


  • Acknowledgement of receipt of submission will be sent to the email address provided. If confirmation is not received within 24 hours, please contact us

  • Language: English

  • Authors’ names: in mixed-case letters (first name and family name in full), afiliations (institute/hospital/university, city, country) in lowercase. No references to the exact addresses (street number, ZIP) are needed and will be deleted for reasons of uniformity. 

  • Abstract texts should include
    a) Introduction
    b) Method
    c) Results
    d) Conclusion
    Length: max. 2500 characters (spaces included)
    , excluding title and authors' list and affiliations.

  • A brief curriculum vitae is to be attached for each author

  • It is the author's responsibility to submit a complete abstract as per instructions. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific facts will be reproduced as typed by the author

  • The person who submits this form is the presenting author.

  • Authors can amend their application (information and details) on the submission platform until deadline. No extension will be granted.

  • Consent for publication of patients' data (abstracts with identifiable patient information): to publish an abstract containing information identifying patients, patients must have given their consent for the research to be published. For all abstracts including patient details (e.g. gender, age, illness, location) or images, written informed consent must be obtained from the patients (or their parent or legal representative) and authors must state they have informed consent for all of the patients mentioned at the end of the abstract text.

  • If the study has been supported by a grant, source of funding should be indicated at the bottom of your abstract

  • References (if any) should be numbered according to the order of appearance in the abstract

  • Abstracts will be assessed by a panel of expert reviewers and accepted at the discretion of the Scientific Committee

  • The corresponding author will receive all information concerning the abstract and will be responsible for informing all of the other co-authors accordingly


Within 15 days from receipt of your abstract, you will be notified of acceptance or rejection.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is postponed to July 31st, subject to availability
Final notification to Authors: August 15, 2022



Submit your abstract online

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